Friday, October 25, 2019

A brief one tonight because I’m tired and sore. I saw my infectious disease doctor today. There are no breakthroughs on offer. One strong possibility is that I go back in hospital to get stronger doses of I/V antibiotics. That will also allow my surgeon a chance to see what has developed since I saw him last. If it’s to the private hospital I was in last time it’s not horrible except I will miss being at home with J and the cats.  The doctor says the damn Pasturella is hiding in my knee prosthesis and if they can’t get a reaction with a different antibiotic mix, removing the knee and replacing it is the only option. Not happy but somewhat resigned. Of course, the knee was on its best behaviour, swollen and red but not hot or very painful. It saved that till I got home.

We ate Indian takeaway (saag paneer for me with naan) and watched Moneyball which J had never seen. Having seen statistics on every aspect of baseball for the past few weeks, it seemed a bit archaic to view the days when none of that really mattered.

Tomorrow make sure my hospital go-bag is stocked and wait for a phone call.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Sounds like a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea as the saying goes. Hope you can find the best solution