This is I swear my last sock yarn purpose this year. I have unsubscribed to all the lists and newsletters that tell me about sales and other offers to try and keep temptation away. This is The Painted Sheep's sock yarn in the colourway Berrylicious anf I can't begin to list all the berry colours included. I have almost finished the Mountain Colors socks so I will be forced to pick a new one soon. So much sock yarn and so little time. I also have finished the Sakiori II vest but have no photos since I haven't blocked it. I say at this point that it's shorter than I would have liked but I have another short vest that works with the suitable under garment. I have 3 huge hanks of the beautiful yarn left and not a clue what to knit with them. I have cast on for a simple hat out of Ann Budd's book of patterns using some of the hand spun green yarn left over from the baby cardigan I knit for my penpal's grand-daughter. After that I have a ball of Noro Transitions waiting to be turned into a hat. This is not putting off one of my in the queue projects, just I feel like getting a few finished small things done.
I did myself in again last Sunday because it was the last day of two major textile shows. The Guild's annual show "Warped and Twisted" was on and I felt I needed to show my face. I'm not in awe of the weaving any more because now I know how it's done and there wasn't anything that knocked my socks off. It was nice to see woven chenille and bamboo because it's always helpful to know what a project might look like had I any bamboo to weave with. I was especially glad I went at that precise moment because I ran into J, a friend from last year's weaving class, whom I had been trying to link up with. She has finished her PhD dissertation and therefore not chained to her books at long last, but also unemployed. I look forward to a further catching up session.
Prior to that I went to the combination of 3 exhibits on display for the Tapestry 2008 at the ANU. There was the juried show called "Land" and had some very striking and sometimes small in size but deep in texture tapestries. Then there was a large exhibition of tapestries of all sizes and shapes from international artists some of which I really liked and some just weren't my cup of tea. Then in the foyer was a knockout display of Lao tapestries and the silk ones just took my breath away.
So standing staring at textile art for an hour or so followed by 20 minutes catching up with J and then I came home and planted the native shrubs in the front that I had bought the previous weekend. Then I planted what was left of my silverbeet seedlings, which now have been mangled by the neighbourhood cats thinking I had turned the soil for them. I might have to replant a new lot and get them established without possum or cat intervention. When I came in I fell into bed and stayed there till 4.30 on Monday, unable to move with the pain in my legs just impossible. I used my handheld massage machine and it helped a little bit but not a miracle cure. 24 hours of bed rest was the cure. Have I mentioned I hate fibromyalgia and it tying my muscles in knots?
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