I have been weaving and the inkle band has made significant progress. Listening to podcasts while weaving makes it go much quicker.
The clouds are gone and the sun is out and we are predicted to reach 29C today. I hope this dries out my bedroom further as the claims adjuster isn't due till Saturday. The insurance company thinks they can clean the oriental here but I don't think there is any place where it could be spread out flat to dry not under furniture. The damp is still playing with my joints; today it's my right hip that hurts. But it's a sign that the rest is working that I was so full of energy that I did 3 loads of wash (it was threatening to topple the laundry basket).
The poor garden got really shredded by the hail storm, The pumpkins are in tatters and I'm glad that some of the beans and tomatoes were sort of under cover of the fence and or neighbours shrubs. The weather summary for 2006 showed how severe the weather had been, although I can't find the maps that were shown on the TV news. According to the Sydney Morning Herald "south-eastern Australia experienced its second driest year on record" and overall the temperature was about .50C above normal. However this may be a severe el Nino event and we may see a change in a few months. Hope this isn't a false hope.
While we are on the subject of weather, you may have noticed I changed the persona of my weather pixie. She was wearing far too revealing outfits and nothing like I wear (jeans and T shirts rule). And she had short hair. So the new one looks more like me but it looks like the cat is gone for good because I haven't seen it on this version but I may be wrong.
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