Monday, January 22, 2007

Sorry for the delay, folks, but we had a blistering week last week. Up until midday yesterday it had been 35C or over every day. Get up early to do the essentials and then lie in front of a fan and try not to wilt. The Imp went to the vet on Friday for her annual inoculations and either the heat, the whole experience being something she just didn't believe Mummy would do to her (that lady put things in places I didn't like) or the effects of the flu vaccine, made her extremely subdued. She sat on a pillow for most of Friday and Saturday and slept with me. She was more or less back to normal last night, i.e., beating up the senior cat and racing around.

No fibre news to report. I have been continuing to knit but haven't finished anything else. Yesterday I got up early (see above) and made chili plum sauce (15 bottles) and somehow managed to forget to take my morning meds so began to feel seriously unwell by mid-afternoon. I still have 2 huge bowls of plums so chutney and some other plum thing is on the agenda. I also found a couple of recipes for rhubarb chutney which sounds interesting as well. It's "only" supposed to be about 30-32C this week so I will not be so sapped of energy, or sleepy which heat always makes me. I have new glasses for computer work and I didn't even realize until I picked them up but the frames are purple! They are rimless so I didn't even take notice of the colour. I like purple so that's OK.

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