So what fibre did I buy? The left big bag is 1.6 kg of raw fleece, merino cross pale grey from the NE Victorian coloured sheep folks. The right bag is merino cross roving from a wool grower from Tasmania who has recently moved to Yass and is selling off his wool. It is washed roving but has quite a bit of VM in it. Little darker grey than the other but lighter than the other greys I have ($30/kg). The 2 balls of wool, burgundy and green, front left, are from the Yarn Barn and I see socks in their future. $5/100gm. The pink bag on the top is hand-dyed Wensleydale. The skein below it is mohair boucle which I am hoping blends with the kid mohair I bought in Rhinebeck last October (it does!). It came from Coloured Jules. The 2 little packets to the right are silk from Fiberworks as I need to learn to spin silk.
Round 8: The Swannies won again, this time against the Bulldogs at one of those weird things: a "home" game for the Dogs at the SCG. The crowd (32,000) was 90% Swans supporters but officially it was a Dogs home match. They got whupped by my boys altho the Swans' kicking was not as accurate as last week. I am loving watching Lewis Roberts-Thompson bloom as a footy player. From a gangly kid who didn't know what to do with the ball, he has learned, bulked up in weight, and become a real force as a defender. Has a great long kick to clear the ball from the back line. Still has a lot to learn but he's doing so well. Now I cross my fingers he doesn't get injured. Paul Williams is having a great year as well and 300 matches hasn't slowed him down.
I spent quite some time fussing with Della as her display went all weird and them everything froze. I tried rebooting twice and nothing helped but now suddenly she's back to herself.
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