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Oy! All that hauling around of cow manure has taken its toll. I am very stiff this morning. Not tired which is a puzzle, just sore and stiff. This combination of medical conditions always throws up a surprise. There is no way for me to guess which bit of me will complain and after how much exercise. I obviously didn't do too much or I wouldn't be able to get out of bed.
On the knitting front I am still debating what to do about a sweater that BFLB started and I finished. It was knit in 3 pieces, 2 sleeves and the body which was knit from the botttom front, up and over the shoulders and down the back. The resulting sweater would fit someone about 6" shorter than I am. It reaches my waist but just barely and as long as I don't move and especially not bend over. The bottom ribbing is a twisted rib and the body is done on a knit/purl texture pattern. The yarn is Katia Montana wool/acrylic blend in a variegated greys and browns Should I take it apart and make it longer? Should I surrender to
its desire to be short and put it in the bag for the Salvos? (US=Salvation army). I picked this yarn out before I knew how to knit and BFLB never finished it. A short digression on UFOs. I always finished what I have started. It may take me months but I never have more than 2 jumper sized projects going at once and a pair of socks for carry along. I may hate what I'm knitting but I either finish it or frog it. I am a process knitter; that is, I enjoy the process of knitting and don't feel strongly attached to the finished item unless it has some special meaning. Like the cashmere vest, whose yarn I bought in San Diego with Crystal just before she died.
One would think that this jumper has that meaning given that BFLB was going to knit it for me before I could knit, it doesn't. And it's not as if I need another project. I am devoting myself to the WW2 socks until they are finished and then I have that just begun cardigan for J out of handspun. This is the Leaning Tower of Wool and does not include the box of sock wool or the heap of stuff for felting or the weaving materials or the spinning supplies (and there is a large box on the botton and the small one on top is scarf-only). I used to have this in the back bedroom but had to move it when we had company and now I have it where I look at it every day (next to my bed) and I like it there. I look at things and plan and plot. I have not added anything to it in many months except handspun. I have a itch to knit something Scandinavian or Fair Isle but I would have to buy wool and I am on a yarn diet until I get rid of at least one box. There. I said it in public and now I cannot hide from this promise. There is in the mail some yarn from Elann but part of it is to match something already in the stash and the other is some red cotton for a summer top. I have a jumper to knit for S's Christmas present but that will come out of the stash. Stop blogging and start knitting! And I still don't know what to do with the too-short jumper.
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