I have been knitting furiously on the Komi hat in an attempt to finish it before the Swans match in Canberra this weekend but I don't think I'll make it. The Swannies are playing quite well (altho kicking accuracy is still a problem) and are in the top 4 at the moment.
That little venture into family history has become an obsession. I've added great chunks to my mother's side of the family about which I knew little. I've traced various branches back to Germany and Ulster in Northern Ireland. It's fascinating to think that these people were the pioneers in the US, going out to settle in Indian land in the 1700's and 1800's. Also the trend in migration from the east coast into the middle frontier of Pennsylvania and then on to Michigan and Wisconsin. My grandfather's family all came from Elgin County, Canada and are represented in the cemetery there. Goodness, I'm one quarter Canadian, altho my grandfather told the census takers he was German despite being born in Canada. I have to keep myself from doing more searches now that there are so many sources, like cemetery records, online.
It's also soup weather and I made (very) roasted pumpkin soup, which unfortunately took my last pumpkins. Then they were selling huge cauliflowers at the markets for $1.50, so I had to make another pot of curried cauliflower soup. I coaxed the bread machine to produce a loaf of dark rye but it's not as good as its white breads. I may have to replace the bread machine when I can afford it.
I vowed I was going to start weaving today and I did. So many threading errors of the silly type (2 threads right next to each other) which don't show up when you just check for a clean shed. My sett is Way too loose so it won't be very sturdy. It did give me that foolish idea of weaving drapery cloth again but I need to weave something before I go off to school in October. I know all the principles; but executing them down to the finest detail is difficult especially when your errors don't show up until everything is tied on. Perhaps I should try heavier weft.
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