This will be a image heavy post as I have a lot of things in the pipeline. Firstly a close-up of a lock of the new dark grey fleece. It is so crimpy and with the lanolin making it stiff it's almost like wire. I haven't seen such straight fine crimp very often. I will have to plan for this to bloom when washed. Might I even do a sample this time? Radical thought.

And here is the fabled inkle loom, properly warped this time although with a teeny warp of crochet cotton that will not yield anything more than a shoelace, if that. If you care, check out this site which is a help for inkling. I have bought cheap rolling kitchen stands with wire baskets underneath. I have one for the carder and one for the loom. I have lots of crochet cotton that I want to use and the English Leicester after I dye it.
Today also brought a box from Elann with a bunch of patterns, and this yarn

The house is fragrant as I have a pot of pumpkin soup on the stove, and a pot of veal & barley stew. When I came home from my Bowen therapy I went into the back yard to get some of the prunings to put in the trash pack and found a small grey cat on the back porch. It was The Imp! Somehow she must have zoomed out when I briefly opened the back door to decide whether to hang the laundry out. Which means she was out for hours! And she very definitely wanted to come back inside. I am heartened that she didn't think to stray. The yard is all fenced pretty high but we know how she can jump. Obviously curiosity didn't extend very far.
Round 18: Swannies beat Essendon (not surprisingly given their recent form) and are now 4th on the ladder. I am trying not to get excited about the possibilities for Sept. My friend J and I have a deal that we will go to the Grand Final together if we make it and this year there is nothing (aside from the expense) preventing us (last year we were leaving for the US in a few days and couldn't afford both). If we manage to stay in the top 4 we may get a home final which I would certainly want to go to.
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