I woke up with my hands very sore and the right hand knuckles red and swollen. Could have been due to spinning or wrestling with books yesterday at work, or the damp, who knows. I will not knit or spin today and I will give my hands a rest after this post and read (probably with feline company) and probably fall asleep. It is grey and overcast outside and raining so I don't think outdoor work is on the cards. I am still thinking about what colour to overdye the WW2 socks to make then darker brown and I am tempted to try green to counteract the orange in the socks. Then my best friend the postie who does packages (letters and packages are delivered separately) gave me a fat envelope full of cormo roving half dyed and half white. These from Juniper Designs. I hate to see how big the spinning stash is getting. I did wind off my 1 oz sample of Jacob from Spirit Trail which was in my rare breeds sample pack I bought at Rhinebeck last year. It felt very rough after spinning merino but is suprisingly soft when spun. I have more Jacob in the stash. There is no Cormo or Jacob in Australia (she thinks). So what whill I buy in Bendigo?

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